Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doing The Right Thing

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him."
-Romans 12:1, NLT-

This is a reminder for me to use my physical body as a sacrifice for God, to be used for His glory. I may be virtually doing the right things for my body taking care of it and other stuff yet in my mind, I was degrading it by thinking about doing things deemed by God unholy. My mind has not been pure regarding my body. What motivates me in taking care of it in the first place? Am I using this to attract people, men specially in an unholy way? If I would really be honest with myself, I guess I have been such a "temptress."

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."
-Romans 12:2,NLT-

This verse reminds me that everything indeed starts from the mind. I have been thinking impure and unholy thoughts about a certain person and because of that, I felt I was in bondage. I thought that I could just let those thoughts pass, that I could live with them and just be okay with them yet I was already compromising my faith and my beliefs. No wonder, that person has no respect for me anymore. That person, I know has been thinking of unholy thoughts about me too. It is all in the mind. What we think indeed has effect on us in every aspect of our lives.
God, I thank Him for He did not stop "disturbing" me to do the right thing. I already blocked that person from my FB account. I thought I could not do it, I thought we could somehow be still "friends" yet if I would look deep down the recesses of my heart and mind, I would see and realize that it wasn't really hope for friendship that I was after. It was more than that and giving the full details here will not be appropriate.
I did the right thing. I thought I could not do it but then God reminded me of the possible things that could happen to me and to my relationship with the people who really matter to me if I would continue my foolishness. I was on the road to self-destruction yet God relentlessly "disturbed" me and even in fact woke me up as early as 3:45 am today just to push me to block that person. I tried to bargain and plea with Him yet God could not compromise. It's either that or.I chose to do what He has wanted me to do. And I have never felt so great and at peace with Him and to myself.
Lord, thank You so much for Your love and for Your protection. For not stopping to remind me to block him. Thank You because You have given me the power and strength to do the thing I initially thought I could not do. Yet, as You reminded me via this verse that through You, we can transform the way we think and have a complete turn around. Lord, thank You. Thank You for not giving me peace when I was already feeling at ease doing something that for You does not please. Thank You for giving me a "troubled" heart to compel me to do the right thing for me. So that I will truly know what Your will is for me. Thank You Father and may each day, my mind be renewed and my heart be revived because of the love You have given and showered me everyday.
Thank You, Lord. Thank You that I am now at peace.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Missing Him

I still miss him. Until now, I do.

Because I felt like there was no closure. Why did he change?

I am not blaming myself anymore. There's no one to blame. But I still miss him. I do.

I will pray that this emotion will be gone.

I miss him. I do.