Forgiveness is the key.
Yes, I am disappointed with someone, my boss and I am also disappointed with my so-called friends. Yet, I am still grateful for these humbling experiences for they have taught me to become more humble and to rely on God more.
I thought this year in our level would be the best one for me, I had my hopes high, I set them so high. Yet, I have proven that this has become my worst but I guess I should refrain from calling it that way. I must say this year has been such an "educational" one for me.
I have learned not to really depend on other people as regards your security and status. People will really disappoint you most of the time and sadly these are the unlikeliest ones whom you thought at first will never let you down. I guess, I have just become so arrogant and so bitchy that I thought many people could tolerate me. Yet, I am wrong. Terribly wrong.
I have learned also to not be so trusting. Use wisdom and discernment that God graciously gives. I have also learned never to say bad things behind other people's back. That's so immature. And really evil. I was a perpetrator that turned into a victim and it is really painful.
I have learned my lessons well. Yet, I will still be grateful because I have learned something from them. I know better next time. I will be early to work, I will be more efficient and professional especially as regards my job and work and I will be a more productive individual albeit the negative things that surround me. Maybe I am just being pulled out from my comfort zone. Maybe life is trying to shake me and pump me up again to become a better individual so that God's plans will become more evident in my life.
I thank God for these humbling experiences. I forgive those people for they are just doing what they are meant to do in my life. I will learn from these experiences and will continue to look at the better and brighter side of things. I will do good regardless of what others think about me. I will conquer myself so that the better one, the one that God intends me to be will emerge.
Lord, I know I am just being pulled out of my comfort zone. Thank You for these setbacks for they are so humbling and really educational ones for me. Thank You Lord. Thank You for breaking my arrogance, thank You for pulling out the weed of pride and irresponsibility in me. Thank You Lord.
I will bounce back with a vengeance. Hahahahahaha!!!