Sunday, August 15, 2010


I watched Cats, The Musical yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot. It was like a dream but I can still hear the music right now in my ears. From the moment the lights were turned off and the music played on, I was all glued onto my seat and tried to capture each moment.

Too bad, I thought I was seated at a good seat but it turned out quite a literal pain in the neck for I had to adjust my head from time to time just to get a better view of the show. Well, for two thousand-plus that I paid for that kind of show, I just got all my money's worth. But i still enjoyed it a lot.

The lighting effects were all very good, no actually superb. I could not help but admire the props men and all of the production group for a job well-done. It was as if they were giving their very last performance. And it was only a matinée, one of the numerous matinées.

I really loved it when one by one, the "cats" came out and did their numbers. Even though I was not so well-versed with that T.S. Elliot opus and I actually had some hard time comprehending the actors' accent,(majority of the cast were British), I still stuck with the show, just watched and never mind if I was seated near a middle-aged man or I was having one of the "heavy" days of my period. I just stayed there and watched.

I wish I had a binocular with me. I saw all the movements, heard all the sounds but the facial expressions of the actors? No. And those were one of the reasons why I watched it in the first place. To see their raw emotions. But with my seat location and the heads of those who were seated in my front who kept on bobbing their heads also like me, it was really impossible.

I wish I also bought a temporary binoculars but it was my first time to watch such a show so I did not know. Well, good thing I had my eyeglasses with me and that was the first time that I did not feel any discomfort nor irritation wearing them.

I waited for Lea Salonga. Thank God, it was indeed Lea Salonga who sang that beautiful song,"Memory." Many warned me before that probably it would not be her singing that song but thank God, it was her and that made my day. How did I know? Lea is one of my favorite singers and I know the quality of her voice. Her voice is distinctly her own and I can tell if she's really the one or just an understudy. Thank God, for He knew my predicaments that day, He gave me that very lovely consolation of letting me hear Lea's voice live. Even if I could not see her face. I could see her movement and yes, listen to her.

It was a one of a kind experience for me. Honestly, I felt a bit out of place there for the crowd really belonged to upper-middle class of our society. I belong to the middle class, period. But hey! I also have the right to enjoy the things that they enjoy. I bought my own ticket out of my own sweat and blood.Still, walking in the midst of chauffeur-driven people, I just could not help but sigh and just thought, someday, I will also belong in your class.

This is not being a social-climber here. Maybe the little self-pity that I felt gave me this momentum to just press on and do better in my life. I want to fare better in life. I am not asking for billions of money or vast wealth like Henry Sy's or the Ayala's; I just want to have a good and comfortable life and live it to the full.

I am still young. Watching Cats somehow opened my eyes and mind to the realities of life. If you are moneyed, you get to enjoy the best of what life has to offer. You get to have the "better view" of things. And I am not contented with my view right now. I need to widen my horizon and yes, strive harder so that I can also be comfortable and my family as well.

In my Facebook account, some friends told me that they envied me for I got to watched it. In my mind, I think there's nothing to feel envious about. Later, when I am all successful already.

I guess, I need to really think about my MA, my going abroad and the possible business venture in the future. I will save lots of money now for future investments. I don't want to be poor anymore. I want to be rich, I want to do best in life and I will start now.

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