Sunday, June 19, 2011

God Has A Plan

Last night, I heard my mother talking to my brother about his going home quite late every Sunday. The reason according to what they were talking about last night, was my brother's pastor and almost father figure in church got detained for punching a man who almost hit them while they were crossing a street in Cubao. The man happened to be a rich person and supposed to be, the pastor was to be released on Friday but it was stalled and in fact their group visited him yesterday, a Sunday.

It saddened me. I was already sleeping but I was hearing them and it really made me so sad. I could not help but ask God why? That person was good and there he was, detained and experiencing injustice. While that person who almost hit them who also happened to be rich is enjoying the privilege of his being privileged when in fact he should be the one inside languishing.There are indeed reasons why things happen and this one will really make one find for those reasons and find ways to make sense why it happened in the first place.

I am sad. Yet, I remember Habakkuk. His book was all about his questions to God why bad things were prevalent during his time and those wicked ones were seemingly enjoying the good things this world could offer. Looking at the things that were happening now, one could not blame Habakkuk from asking God why. That pastor was a man of God, he just came from church maybe and he ended up in jail. All because of someone's recklessness and imprudence.

God has His purpose. He has His plans. One could never understand what He is up to unless we ask for His guidance. All we need to do is to give Him all the reign and let go of what we hold on to. This is also a time for prayer. To pray for those who need it and to consistently appeal to Him.

I don't really know him as a person. But I am prodded inside me to just pray for Him. For God to keep him safe and guide him as he goes through this ordeal. And to pray for that rich man, whoever he is. That God will open his eyes and may He deal with him. It is not good to pray that he may be severely punished but may God just deal with him. According to His infinite wisdom and grace.

I am thinking. Everything indeed happens for a reason, bad ones included. I also have my own struggles and I could never do it alone and make it through without Him in my life. All I need to do is to just put Him first in everything. First as in my number one priority. Maybe, yesterday the reason why I was restless and was missing someone unworthy was because I did not put God first in my life. I was so worried about things that could be under and even beyond my control. When all I can do is ask Him. And He will make a way.

My restlessness and undisciplined disposition yesterday was all because of poor spiritual condition.My heart deceived me again. Yet, I will pray. I will just continue with my faith. And I will pray for that person.

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