Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Being Oneself

I feel better now that I have come to terms with myself. Yes, I still have some bouts of insecurities but thank God and praise Him, I can conquer that enemy called insecurity.

Yesterday, I really felt that some people who I considered my friends really could not see me just the same. That probably the best option for me as regards them is to truly let them go and never mind them anymore. That I am to be myself and if some could not accept me by being me, then they do not deserve to be called my friends at all. It is just good to know that God loves me most of all and then He has people for me to love me warts and all.

I feel sad that a friend of mine, a special friend of mine left our workplace already. It is so sad for I know that place will never be the same again but cliche as it may sound, life has to go on and must go on. The sadness is here but I must bear in mind that when someone goes, someone will come again. It is just a cycle.

Reading what I am writing now, I guess I have grown up already. Grown up a lot in just a short span of time. The tempest that just ended helped me realign my life and my priorities and really see who and what matter to me the most. And I am happy I think this way now.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to two things: God loves me and accepts me no matter what and changes me from glory to glory and that it is really much better to be myself and not be accepted than to be accepted for not being myself. I am more free, I am more at peace with myself, with the people around me and most of all, my Creator who just simply loves me so much.

It is now vacation time. I have lots of time to spare to read, to improve myself and to hone the skills that I have long neglected. I will make the most of my time.

I just feel lighter now, more joyful and yes, at peace.

For I know already, God showed me the things that really matter in life.

His love and grace, our relationship with others and our identity deeply rooted in Him.

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